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Paul Millus Quoted in Law360, "Lawyers Weigh In On Supreme Court’s Hobby Lobby Ruling"

Jun 30, 2014Litigation & Dispute Resolution

Law360 quoted Paul Millus in an article titled “Lawyers Weigh In On Supreme Court’s Hobby Lobby Ruling.” In the article, published June 30th, attorneys tell Law360 why the decision in Burwell v. Hobby Lobby Stores Inc. is significant.

Mr. Millus stated: 'Today’s decision upholds the principle that for-profit corporations have similar constitutional protections afforded to individuals, such as the freedom to exercise one’s religion in the way a company sees fit. The court’s decision though is limited by its facts as applicable to closely held corporations. It remains to be seen whether the [RFRA] applies equally to for-profit companies, which are not closely held, that can demonstrate a significant religious conviction as it applies to the ACA. The decision raises other concerns such as: can employers look specifically to the RFRA when making employment decisions on the basis of sexual orientation, citing to their religious convictions? Although there are no federal protections for the LGBT community in place at present, this decision sets up a direct confrontation between any potential new federal legislation and the RFRA.”

The full article can be read at Law360 (subscription required).