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A. Thomas Levin and Deanne Braveman on Panel at the NYSBA

Local Government & Land UseProfessional Responsibility
Event Date: January 28, 2016
Event Time: 12:00 PM
Type: Speaking Engagements
Venue: 1335 Avenue of the Americas, New York City

On Thursday, January 28th, A. Thomas Levin and Deanne Braveman will be on the panel at the New York State Bar Association's Local and State Government Law Section's Annual Meeting. The topic Mr. Levin will be speaking on is the Ethical Issues at Local and State Government Levels: Understanding the Lobbying Law and the Joint Commission on Public Ethics (JCOPE). Ms. Braveman will be speaking on compliance with lobbying registration and reporting requirements. Under New York's MCLE rule, this program has been approved for a total of up to 6.0 credit hours, consisting of 4.0 credit hours in areas of professional practice and 2.0 credit hours in ethics. This program will not qualify for newly admitted attorneys because it is not a basic practical skills program.

Click on the download PDF button for more information.